When we were younger, we didn’t need to do much and skin would remain nice. But as we get older things like dryness, blackheads, wrinkles, etc all start to affect us. So do you have a skincare routine? I mean in terms of using a cleaner, toner and moisturizer. Perhaps some natural oils or even supplements that you consume that help with skin. Some might even be bolder and use things like a steamer or fruit facial masks (don’t have to admit it in person, lol). Is it daily or occasionally?

Also, feel free to mention products or brands that you like or works really well. Remember, this is anonymous reddit so we can “admit” our product usage here, lol.

Happy New Year to everyone.

  1. >So do you have a skincare routine?

    Yep, it’s kind of complicated and technical. Here’s the step-by-step process:

    1. Wash face with soap.

    2. Rinse face with water.

  2. Yes. I use face wash, retinol, and moisturizer. I also use beard wash, conditioner, and balm.

  3. In the morning I use a gentle facewash and then use a moisturiser with an SPF filter. At this time of year I use a slightly thicker cream to protect against wind and cold. If it’s summer and I plan to be in the sun I slap on some factor 50 suncream instead of the moisturiser

    I have noticeably better skin as a result and no “face dandruff”

  4. Just start with a basic drug store brand like cerave: morning and evening use a cleanser and moisturizer, facial sunscreen if any kind of sun, maybe a retinol product at night too.

    That should get you 90% of the way there if you stick to it daily

  5. Cetaphil gentle face wash twice a day. SuperGoop unseen sunscreen every day, even in cloudy weather. Remember to apply to neck too.

  6. I used to have a three part routine when I lived with my ex. Fancy face wash, moisturizer, and some sort of essence spray. My acne and face issues either never improved or got worse. This was after changing products several times. Once I just washed my face once a day with a bar of soap and water, acne and face issues all resolved. My routine is now washing my face in the shower each morning, dry

  7. Face soap with cold water and and a sunblock cream is all I use the last year, and it does wonders. Before, I use to buy tons of craps and put them on my face with not very obvious results. However, last year I get compliments all the time for having nice and youngish skin. Sun is number one enemy of the skin guys, don’t neglect the sunblock cream.

  8. pm: cleanser, moisturizer, virology prescription cream

    am: cleanser, vit c serum, moisturizer, sunblock

    reapply sunblock throughout the day

  9. I try. Cleanser, sunscreen, and eye cream. I went many years not doing anything and I paid for it. Just trying to keep what I have.

  10. Yessir.

    1. Exfoliating fashwash
    2. Retinal serum with vitamin C
    3. Hydration cream for overnight
    4. Regular moisturizing cream for every day use

  11. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I’ll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

  12. I’ve been called 29 years old by a few women (which I think is a stretch, Im 42), but most people think Im in my early 30s, but I do have a skin care routine which helps tremendously:

    1. First don’t drink a lot, don’t smoke, and don’t tan, I knew a woman who modeled, she was older but looked young as hell, and her agent told her those basic rules. when she got started.
    2. Ok, in the morning, in the hot shower, I use my hands (no rag) to wash my face, the face cleanser I use is [Soon Jung Whip Cleanser.](https://www.etudehouse.com/int/en/index.php/cleansing/form-cleansing/soonjung-ph-6-5-whip-cleanser.html)
    3. After my morning shower, I only dry my face with a separate clean hand towel, don’t use your shower towel from your body as it has bacteria that can cause acne (another tip I learned from my model friend)
    4. After the shower, I wash my hands first, then use [Cetaphil SPF 30 Oil Absorbing Mousturizer](https://www.cetaphil.com/us/moisturizers/dermacontrol-oil-absorbing-moisturizer-spf-30/302994313044.html) and Im done for the morning, This is probably the most important step, if you don’t do anything else, at least do this daily. It WILL help.
    5. In the evening, I take another shower, I use the same routine as I do in the morning, however, when I get to the moisturizer part, I skip that, because I find too much moisturizer causes me acne.
    6. I then, again wash my hands (always wash your hands before handling your face), but then I apply a layer of prescribed Clindamycin Phosphate gel
    7. Then I apply and mix a pea sized amount of (again prescribed) Tretinoin with a pea sized amount of [The Ordinary Niacinamide with Zinc](https://theordinary.com/en-us/niacinamide-10-zinc-1-serum-100436.html)
    8. And thats my entire routine. Yes its hoity toity for a man, yes Im okay with that, so is my girlfriend.

  13. Morning:

    Wash with Dr Bronners or nicer stuff my gf has, apply beef tallow, beard oil, hair product, and SPF lip balm. If going outside that day will use SPF moisturizer instead of the beef tallow.


    Wash with CeraVe cleanser, moisturize with light product, overnight lip balm, Bag Balm for feet/elbows/groin

  14. I wash my face with a boutique charcoal soap. Post shower I use Cerave lotion (the PM version, I shower at night) and an eye cream by Clinique.

    If I’m shaving I’ll use one of my shave soaps and the associated shave balm on my face and scalp.

  15. If I am not super lazy
    1. Wash face
    2. Apply generic moisturizer

    I had a woman tell me I was “glowing” after putting some moisturizer on in a zoom call

  16. I just use “surplus” shampoo suds to wash my face. If my skin has been a bit dry of late, I go ahead and use conditioner on my hair…and some of the conditioner finds its way to my face as well.

    That’s as involved as I get.

  17. Exfoliating face wash in the shower, caffeinated eye cream, serum

    Though I’m not sure about the eye cream and am curious if there’s something that can be done for the purple under my eyes. Because minimal alcohol, adequate water, sleep, exercise, this eye cream, and a pretty good diet isn’t doing it.

  18. 1. Wash face with Cetephil Gentle Skin Clenser in shower.
    1. Rub around with exfoliating net.
    1. After shower use Witch Hazel.
    1. When dry, moisturize with CereVe.

    If shaving I switch things around a bit…

    1. Use exfoliating net to “perk up” hairs.
    1. Shave.
    1. Use Skin Clenser after.
    1. Use Alum Block instead of Witchhazel.
    1. Moisturize.

  19. Yes, wash face in evenings with a neutragena milk cleanser and followed up with a second wash with the basic keihls face wash. Then moisturizer.

    Mornings, just rinse with water and apply moisturizer.

  20. Just wash face in the morning and in the evening and rub some uierzalf (i don’t know the English word for it) near my eyes and on my lips before going to bed. (helps against dryness)

  21. moisturizing cream, face wash with salicylic acid, face scrub, thats all you need. I like non or mild scented ones, Neutrogena works for me. face wash and moisturize daily, scrub once a week or twice.

  22. I do what my wife does. Splash of toner after a shower, a serum if she has one, then moisturizing cream. The toner makes everything go on quick and easy. When I go out in the sun I spray my head and neck with a sunscreen spray can I keep in the garage. Sometimes I get an eye cream for myself, since my wife doesn’t appear to need one – that Ordinary multi-peptide eye stuff.

  23. Wash face with cold water for 1-2 minutes when I wake up.

    Drink coffee.

    Shower with regular moisturizing hand soap (Dove).

    Use moisturizer on my face and head (baldy here).

    Wipe hands on bath towel.

  24. Cetafil face cleanser with my nightly shower and if it’s going to be sunny outside then light SPF face cream that doesn’t make my face too oily

  25. I shave with normal soap and not the fancy shaving cream.

    Have been commented on quite frequently that I do not look my age.

  26. Kiehl’s cleanser in the shower. Random face lotion at night.

    I’m 35. Had a conversation with a random dude and he pulled the “I’m 30, wait till you get to my age…” in our chit chat about life. It was funny that he guessed I was 28.

  27. Soap and water. If I am feeling special, soap, shampoo and conditioner.

    Then moisturizer.

  28. Moisturiser every day. Exfoliate once a week. I have 2 products. Kiehls.

    My girfriend honestly must have something like 30 products. Keep telling her to minimise but she doesn’t listen.

  29. Kiehl’s face wash with a gentle scrub and the cetaphil nighttime moisturizer. Nothing crazy, considering to use a anti aging wrinkle cream since I’m starting to see significant wrinkles around the eyes (crows feet)

  30. Dial soap, at least once a day.

    I have started rubbing skin cream and/or beard oil into my beard, though, a couple of times a week to see if it cuts down on the dandruff.

  31. Exercise. Diet. No alcohol or smoking. People are always shocked when I tell them how old I am.

  32. I’ll wash my face with whatever bar of soap is in the shower every few days, but I’ll get pimples if u do it too often. A healthy diet, exercise, and sleep are my go-to’s… take them snake oils elsewhere

  33. Facial soap in the shower, and face lotion when I remember (which is several days a week)

  34. I have oily acne prone skin so i use benzoyl peroxide, & then moisturize after with cerave.

  35. Yes. As a large man with a large beard, skincare is super important to me. Healthy skin, healthy beard.

    I have a facial steamer that I use to steam my face and my beard daily. I also use coconut oil on my beard skin before bed occasionally during the winter (when it’s more dry). I use leave-in conditioner sometimes as well since it makes my beard more “fluffy” and thick looking. I also sometimes use a “facial toner” which is just aloe and witch hazel mixed in water. It’s great when my skin gets super irritated or itchy.

    My skin and my beard’s needs change over time. So it’s kind of about finding the right balance of oils, washing, conditioner, and steam. Then once I have a system the weather will change and my beard changes all over again, lol.

    But a great beard is a process to manage, not a trophy to achieve.

    I think taking pride in yourself and your appearance is very manly. Especially when it’s in pursuit of the most fabulous beard possible. Lol.

    If I didn’t have the beard, I doubt I would do much more than regular washing in the shower and occasional product (like aloe or something) for dry patches during the winter.

  36. Yeah, it’s just called good genes.

    I’m 42 but I probably look around 32-35. My dad only recently started showing obvious wrinkles and he’s in his 70s. Men in my family just took an extra helping in the collagen line. The fact that I (unlike my dad) also kept all my hair probably helps a lot too.

  37. AM – Wash with gentle cleanser, toner, moisturizer with vitamin c serum, eye gel stuff (not convinced it does anything but it feels nice), sunscreen

    PM- Pretty much the same except I don’t use the vitamin c serum so I can use retinol. Also a slightly heavier moisturizer bc my face gets dry at night and no spf.

  38. Hot water and dove mens soap. Scrub in tiny circles. Cocoa butter body butter on top to keep my skin moist. I Rarely get a blemish unless I knick myself shaving.

  39. Absolutely. I’m mid 30s and women think I’m 25-26 on average. I’m indulging in it.

    I keep it simple stupid:

    Morning: cereve foaming cleanser, green tea toner or vitamin c serum (for antioxidants), cereve moisterizing cream, altruist face fluid (spf50)

    Evening: cereve foaming cleanser, differin gel, cereve renewing night cream

    Soon I’ll replace differin with tretinoin but will need to get a script from a dermatologist first. Both are retinoids, but more studies have been had on tretinoin for anti-aging and it’s a bit stronger.

    I’m also going to start taking two supplements daily that should do nothing but help: astaxantin and hyaluronic acid.

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