I was just told by a man that the reason he can’t take me seriously is because according to him I put myself in danger by going on solo dates via public transportation and I planned a solo trip to another country. My issue is, if he doesn’t want to do it and I don’t have friends nearby what am I supposed to do? I invite him out with me to nice restaurants and events in our city and he immediately shuts me down. But then uses me going alone against me. We’ve been on and off for over 1.5 years and we’re in our mid 30’s. He told me he doesn’t take us seriously a couple days ago due to me going out alone and I felt gaslit so I told him let’s just end this and find more compatible partners. But now he’s saying I’m forcing him to commit 🙄.

So men, would a woman doing this make her unfit for commitment to you?

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