What can a young man do if he didn’t have a father figure?

  1. YouTube may help. There are channels specifically for this that helps you learn a good bit of stuff. From shaving to changing car tires to just simple advice. I’m not entirely sure I understand the context of the question though.

  2. I joined the Army and it really helped. Made me into the man I wanted to be. My dad tried to come weasel back into my life and I could gladly tell him to fuck off forever.

  3. You pick your own father figure through friends and colleagues. Every male could be one but it’s best when you spend a lot of time together and not just a poster

  4. Group to be a success leader at a large corporation. Or end up in prison. It’s a crap shoot.

  5. From one to another in roughly the same way: Become the person YOU have always wanted to be, without any limitations, bogus rules, or pain!

    We have plenty of examples to draw from in our culture (Bob Ross, Mr.Rogers, Steve Irwin,Etc), but always work towards being the best that you can be. Never be afraid to make mistakes, apologize, learn, and grow from them, too!

  6. Do you have a good mother figure? And siblings? And the main question for you to answer for yourself is; Would having your father (figure) in your life have been a good or bad influence on who you are today? There might just be more positives without certain people in your life.

    The impressive thing about you seems to be your self-awareness and curiosity. You are already on a good path if you are considering what influences you need to be a good person.

    Learning is the key. Read books, talk to friends and family about their lives, TedTalks etc. And I also believe sports can provide these kinds of figures in your life. Coaches or Team Captains can teach you a lot.

    Ultimately you can really only be guided by your own moral compass. Listen to who you are and follow your gut.

  7. My dad died when I was 13 but I had 3 older brothers and an idea of how my dad would handle situations that came in my life. When I was in my 20s my spiritual life developed and that became another guide.

  8. Pick one, or enjoy the fact that you truly can be a self made man. There’s nothing better than being beholden to only yourself and knowing you are responsible for all the good things that happen to you.

  9. Bro… i’m 41… and fatherless… You don’t need one. Its all up to you. Then again… im here new years alone with my cat on reddit… give and take i suppose

  10. I’m not trying to be a dick here. There are youtube channels on how to be a man. Like surrogate father stuff. They go from the basics to masters lessons.

    If you want the cliff notes here ya go. Keep your word. Help people and expect nothing in return. Subject of women is complicated. Let’s say she actually loves you. Go out of your way to make her happy. Buy her flowers is great, but if you can grow Her a patch is awesome. Suggest a picnic, blindfold her and bring her to what you grew for her. Understand and sympathize with hrt period.

    You also need to be a badass, and know when to unleash it. A real man can become a monster when needed and know when to keep it in. Mercy is also a trait of a man. It’s a complex web of emotions and actions. Never let anger get the best of you. Alao alway be in charge of your home. Outside of the, message me.

  11. Look up to someone he admires and try to duplicate it into his life.

    I didn’t have a father figure growing up, but I was into sports. I was a fan of certain athletes and admired how they carried themselves to the world – I tried to be like it as well.


    My favorite athlete had discipline, professionalism, consistency and was a hardworker.

  12. I grew up without a dad I’m 24 now I generally get insight from Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan. I was raised by a single mom and three sisters I just try to to the best I can and learned not ask women for advice about women.

  13. As it been previously stated, join the army. Stay far away from women until you protect your money and property.

  14. There’s a video on YouTube of a footballer (Soccer player) called Ian Wright, reuniting with his teacher – and it’s really emotional because he was the father figure he was lacking from his home, and had such an influence on him.

  15. Look for one and stick with it when you find it. Like accept the fact that this is your father figure, and milk it for everything you can.

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