I had the acount over a year now, and I only had 1 match!!! I even spend money on that and I only have had 1 match! I mean Im not horrible, I am 26, I am an architect, I have a full beard and im 6’1″, I mean sure I can drop a few pounds, but only 1 match?!?!

  1. It’s a bit difficult without seeing the profile…but the majority of guys who post on the tinder subreddit here asking the same question usually have bloody awful photos of themselves without realising and/or something in their bio that is really off putting without realising.

  2. Hinge also has a lot of inactive accounts. I have Hinge right now and I play into the way the girls want or play the way that the type of girl you would like comes your way.

  3. Hire a professional photographer. A few outfits, a day spent at a shoot, money well spent. Most men have no clue how to take selfies. Show your lifestyle. Pics of what you enjoy doing. Smile. Don’t wear hats. Don’t show pics of you in sunglasses.

    When you say drop a few pounds, what do you mean? Do you have a lil pooch or are you obese? Most people on dating apps are judging the physical.

    Before you revamp your profile, get in better shape. No excuse to be out of shape in your 20’s. Wear clothes that fit well and flatter your body type.

    Those are my two cents anyway.

  4. Damn, 26M here. I have actually had most of my success on hinge, but still not much (maybe 1-3 matches a week). Most never end up going anywhere, though. Maybe I could give some pointers, though ?

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