I refused every opportunity to go out and spend time with “friends” that year. I didn’t care much for them anyway.

I have no friends left. Only one guy I know have been reaching out regularly to have a drink since August, but I have declined every time.

My life has never been so easy. My mental health is at its best. I have so much free time to do things I actually enjoy, unlike boring social events.

Social relationships are a lot of work and stress. I’m not doing that again.

  1. Congrats finding peace of mind.

    Hope you continue waking up peaceful and sleeping well like a baby.

  2. We’re not made to be apart. Independence is a flawed ideal. We only get 80 or so years of this place. Take your place sharing in the good times while the suns still shining on us. If you don’t invest in your personal life, it will decay further. Lost are the moments where your particular perspective could’ve served as guidance to achieve a better outcome. There are people in your life that need someone just to keep up with with a sense of mutual trust and the sense that we’re not alone. Then think all the strangers for whom a simple smile and effortless compliment would make their whole day and help them get by. Don’t take yourself away from the rest of us. You exist where there were untold legions of others that could have been born in your place. To honor that is to live well, as well as you can manage.

  3. There has to be a balance I think, I’ve been friendless aside from my partner for nearly 12 years and it absolutely sucks. Spent my whole 20s friendless and I’ll never forgive myself for it.

  4. Its better to be alone than have sh*tty friends, its okay to be alone, you will learn so much about yourself, dont listen to these people, i was also alone whole year and i realized so many things i wouldnt be able to realize if i had distractions like “friends”

  5. Good for you. Sometimes I wonder if the modern idea of friendship is misguided and where did it come from? That we’re supposed to have best friends and a big friend group? It doesn’t work for everyone. Find happiness where you can.

  6. There’s nothing wrong with being alone .I don’t know why people make such a big deal out of so called socializing. Most socializing is just some mating call in disguise anyways.

  7. I was totally happy on my own for a few years, but now the isolation is crushing and I have no way back.

    Moderation is the key to everything; try not to fall to extremes in either direction. Maybe at least talk from time to time to the guy who still messages you.

  8. How I’m most likely gonna be this year. I’m the guy that sets no boundaries for himself so people get too comfortable to the point of constantly disrespecting me. I’m looking to fix that so I won’t be around my “friends” as much if at all either. Only self improvement(unironically).

  9. bro we are social beings, we do need to socialise a lil bit to stay sane, its just my opinion

  10. One day I hope to feel the same. I like being alone but also feel the need to be social sometimes.

  11. That’s a recipe for disaster if you and your partner ever end things. There are good people out there, though they may be harder to find. You shouldn’t completely give up on them.

  12. Just learned something new about our psychology by going through this thread.
    So far i only knew that to be happy we need friends. But here people rock even alone. 😘

  13. I agree 100%, I really don’t like alot of people. I do hang out on discords but I don’t consider them real real friends.

  14. lol what a fucking copium filled post.

    Likely getting upvotes from every person who wants to feel like it’s okay and normal to be terrified to leave the house or speak to another human being.

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