Hi everyone.
I am a 24M and my gf 21F are currently doing “middle distance” (1.5-2hrs) away from each other but currently she is overseas visiting family. Last week I was at a bar and it’s my brothers and we decided to hit up the bars after not seeing my brothers for so long. Me and my gf have a trusting relationships and freely go out when we like. While u was at the bar this girl started to approach me and I knew she was clearly into me. So I did my best to shift the attention to my brother so they can carry the conversation with her and get her away from me. I then decided to step outside for a breather and after 5 or so minutes she comes out and asks me to take her to her car and she was scared. I wasn’t fully sure what to do but decided to walk her to my car. As we are walking we casually talk like what I do for work and school and so does she.

This is where the problem arises. As we approach the car she turns to me says “when are you ever going to kiss me” where she grabs me and pulls me in and kisses me. It was a moment of shock for me, so the minute my brain came out of that shock u pushed her off of me and just left. Now, I do want to tell my gf of what happened but I’m not sure if I should. First reason being I don’t want her to overthink the situation. She’s a bit of an over thinker and I don’t want her to panic to believe there is a trust issue that I started to hit on girls at the bar. Second her father passed away abt 8-9 months ago and she is still recovering emotionally and I do not want this to be something that can cause her to loose it or spiral again. But I also want to be truthful to her. We are always so open about any issue we have or anything that happens I don’t want to hide what happens and will tell her when she lands from her vacation. How do I approach this his situation if I do decide to tell her and more importantly do you believe it is necessary to tell my gf.

TL;DR: a girl kissed me without my consent and I’m not sure whether I should tell my gf of the situation or not.

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