I’m 20F, and things aren’t looking too good for me. I’ve never really had anyone. Sure I have family, but I’m the oldest of my siblings (everyone else in still in grade school). My mom and I have never been close, so I really don’t have anyone. People don’t like me cause I keep to myself too much and they assume I’m mean or stuck up. I’m not too bothered by it now, but I feel like this is really going to start getting to me in the future. I know me and it’s possible that suicid@l thoughts might come into play.

Why couldn’t I have turned out normal? Why couldn’t I struggle with the things everyone else struggles with? Why do I have to be the odd one that no one knows how to interact with? Of all the problems in the world, why is loneliness the one I have to deal with? At what point did things go wrong? Why did I end up like this?

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