So, I’m gonna enter to this academy again after 3 or 2 months and idk what to do.

I had been on an academy where I had been leaning a new lenguage since januery 2023 until october or september (I don’t remember), and it has happened a lot, I’ve failed tests, I didn’t do some homeworks, I got nervous, I’ve cried and I had to take some circles twice.

The thing started since I started classes on school, because it was going to school, stay for band practice and then go this academy. That got me exhausted all the week, I was literally leaving my house at 7 am, returning at 5 and then going out at 5:30 until 9 pm. This, like I said, made me tired and caused that I couldn’t do some homeworks from school.

And after some time, my mom dediced that I would take the academy’s classes since my house. But this made me even some stress somehow, like I was doing school’s homework and didn’t pay attention to the class at all, and sometimes I got confused and mixed both the virtual classes and school’s homework.

My limit was when a teacher decided that the speaking (we had to do two for circle) would be before the class finished. And at this point I was falling asleep the moment I step in my house, causing that I didn’t enter some classes. And when I heard about the speaking I got stress and started to do it at the moment. At some point I ended up crying because of nervousess at the point that sometimes I couldn’t even breath.

Now with that bad experience and anothers because I had to talk in front of people. I don’t wanna go there anymore, I’m afraid that at some point I would ended up crying again but now in the classroom.

So yeah, like I said, now I have to take those classes again, and now, in person. Luckily that won’t happen again but I’m still worried.

I would appreciate some advices on how I could control this anxiety(?) in front of people or how I can get less nervous at the moment of doing my speakings.

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