So I (34F) had a crush on my neighbor (late 30s?M) for a couple months, but I didn’t realize how much of one until recently when his puppy escaped and I kept her safe in my yard until I realized he was looking for her.

I had just gotten off work (night shift so prob looked a hot mess) but I feel like there was a little chemistry there.

We’ve exchanged small talk at our neighborhood pool in the past. We’re both divorced for about 2-3 years now. I saw him on a dating app a year or so ago but I wasn’t at a good place for relationships at that time.

When I returned his puppy to him he said we should have a doggy play date sometime. (My older dog and his puppy were playing very well.)

Nothings come of it since. I believe we work opposite schedules. I’ve started doing more yard work and taking my dog on extra walks to try and initiate some contact, but he’s either never out or we just miss each other.

I don’t know if I’m bold enough to march up to his door and say hello… or is that what I should do? Or is it a case of if he was interested in me he already would have said something?

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