I’m a 37 year old woman with really great female friendships but I’ve never been able to bond with men. I’m sure that partially has to deal with me being pretty unattractive and unconfident until I hit my 30s, but now I often see really cool guys that I’d love to hang out with, but I have no idea how to approach them. In the instances when I’ve tried, I think it comes off as awkward, which works in my girl friend groups but maybe guys aren’t used to that? Honestly, if you’ve ever seen It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, I’m pretty much like Dee in terms of my humor. But how do i find my gang?

…and as I’m writing this I just realized, the gang kinda hates Dee. So maybe that’s my problem 😂

EDIT: Thank yall for all of the responses! My main take aways are 1. Find activities in common 2. Express upfront that I don’t want to have sex and 3. Im old. Maybe just stick to girls.

Hopefully this helps other people too!

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