Apologies for the overly long title, this has been a little strange. My girlfriend [20F] of almost 4 years saw me [20M] take a sip of a friend’s drink at a party the other day, something that I do sometimes to get a taste of something they made or bought. The drink was maybe passed between me and two other people. I don’t like doing this very often and typically waterfall/sip from the side when I can, and I’d never buy a drink to share with someone unless it was my girlfriend.

Ever since then, she has become increasingly hostile towards the subject to the point where she now refuses to kiss me, share a drink with me, or have any sort of physical contact with me. She says it’s due to the risk of spreading an STD or another virus through there, but it’s obvious through conversation the thing she’s the most concerned about is the risk of an STD. I’ve tried explaining to her that the only STD where that is a risk is HSV-1, and even that carries an extremely minimal risk even when you’re sharing a drink with someone with an active cold sore outbreak (the only way to transmit it through saliva to my knowledge).

I should note here that none of my friends, especially the ones I’m close enough to get a sip of their drink from, are sexually active in any capacity. Is there something I could try to quell this specific fear she has about this? I can’t help but think it is a little bit irrational and I would like to know where I can go from here.


I forgot to mention this, but what she is specifically saying is that she will never kiss me/won’t share drinks with me/won’t have physical contact with me if I continue to do things like take a sip from a friend’s drink because I’m “knowingly putting her at risk”.

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