My friend & I met on a dating app over the summer and have been friends for 7 months now.

The first date went really well, but after hanging out a few more times, he told me that he didn’t think he could have feelings for me.

Regardless, we spent the rest of the year hanging out and our friendship has grown very strong.

No matter what I do — I can’t get over him. And I’m not sure if his feelings has changed.

He’s always inviting me to events with his friends and his best friend always insists that I join whenever they do something. And everytime we go out to dinner with his friends, he and I are always sitted next to each other.

He’s very kind and caring to me. At parties, he’s always checking in how I’m doing, always have to sit next to me, and spends more time with me than talking to his friends even though he sees me way more often.

Everytime he introduces me to his friends, he really tries to talk me up as if he’s really trying to get his friends to like me.

The thing is, he hasn’t made any communication that he wants to be more than friends. And I wholeheartedly believe that he most likely doesn’t see me romantically.

I’ve tried so hard to get over him, but it’s so hard. He’s everything that I want in a partner and he really is the kindest person that I’ve met.

I don’t want to spend less time with him because I don’t want to punish him for not feeling the same way. And trying to talk to other people on dating apps has been exhausting. No one is interesting to me or they can’t hold a conversation long enough to actually meet up.

Any advice on what I can do to help get over him faster?

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