We are in a long distance relationship.

We met up in October, and when we were together, we were about to have sex but didn’t bring a condom with me so we ended up not doing it (please i know, i should have been prepared).

The problem i issue is what happened after we met. I had shown her my size before we met many times and after we met we didnt talk about sex at all anymore so i wondered what caused her disappointment. We showered together always and she even tried to put it in.

When i called her about it today why we dont do that anymore i asked if she was disappointed with my size and she said yes. Ok hurted , but i continued to ask more. She told me she wasn’t a traditional girl but now she says she wants to wait for sex until after marriage. I know she is Christian but said she doesn’t respect her religion before we met. And also i see her liking things like “funny men really have the biggest d*cks” on Instgram, and also like “acts innocent but is thinking about riding the f*ck out of you”…

After asking more she said she doesn’t want to talk about it at all anymore.

She does want to meet me again , but i am not sure if i should ? She says she loves me but… so many red flags

TL;DR gf said it was small after we met and now says she want to wait until marriage to have sex again. Confused if i should continue.

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