Holy shit?? What’s wrong w me

I’m (25F) above average in looks (need to lose like 5lbs rn but still) I have big blue eyes and just have always been pretty and still look pretty slim even tho I weigh more than I’ve ever weighed rn bc of my build (I’m like 5’6 and 153lbs) . I get a million and five matches on dating apps but I rly honestly dread meeting guys on there.

I have made the move w multiple guys (26M, 27M) as of late and haven’t gotten a reply. Like legit just ghosted. And it would be one thing if they were hot guys who were out of my league but both guys are guys I found attractive or cute in a unique way but know wouldn’t be super attractive to most women in a conventional way & BOTH haven’t said anything to me. Wtf is happening im about to lose it??

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