Me and my boyfriend have been together now for almost 10 months. Whenever I feel jealous, I tell him right away. When his new school year started, he kept mentioning this girl because she “streams valorant games”. There were other instances where he would mention her again when I talk about something she’s related with (games, school council). Then, one day, they followed each other on Instagram. No big deal. The girl added him to her close friends list. I wasn’t sure as to why because if I’m not mistaken, they never really interacted. He then reacted ❤️ to her facebook post, although it was just a shared post, it’s something he has never done. I know for a fact because he’s shown me everything he has liked and all of them was my posts and his family’s. I told him my thoughts and he said it was nothing. Tonight, he posted a close friends story. He gave me his IG months ago and I saw that he added the girl in it. I just wanna know why. During our whole 10 months, I was the only one in his close friends. I’m stressing about it now because it’s probably just nothing for him but why is it making me feel this way? Can someone wake the shit out of me and tell me what I’m feeling isn’t valid?

  1. You need to chill out.. If he is being open and honest with his online interactions you have a great guy. Clingy and over possessive on who he is friends with will eventually bleed toxic energy into your relationship.

  2. Oof I’m sorry but you’re being extremely insecure on all of this. If he does something he shouldn’t your relationship will end. But if this keeps up your relationship will surely die.

    Try not to make this a self fulfilling prophecy.

    If you find his interactions with other girls to be inappropriate and he won’t stop out of respect for your feelings then you guys should break up. Simply based on the fact that you guys don’t share the same values on this.

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