I have a few really big friend groups, a solid amount of social connections, and two people I would consider best friends. One of them I live with so I see her every day and when we are away we both do a really good job of keeping in touch. With everyone else though, I notice I have a very hard time remembering to connect and reach out to friends. I am not actively anxious or anything, just whenever I have free time I automatically spend it in different ways. I see my friends in group settings often but rarely think to connect with any of my friends 1 on 1. I desire deeply to have closer 1 on 1 relationships and am often down on myself as I feel that I have so many surface-level friendships, but I never actually act on those desires. When talking to a therapist once I explained to her how before the start of every semester I write a list of every person I want to hang out with more that semester and sometimes rank them in the order of how interested I am in seeing them. I think I do this because I unconsciously was aware that I forgot to hang out with my friends and am trying to remind myself in a way by writing the names down. She told me that I should try not to do this anymore, and I feel like that started to make me think that maybe I am a bit strange when it comes to maintaining friendships. Does anyone else have this very meticulous goal-oriented mindset about friendship? Does anyone else have a hard time naturally spending time with friends? I want to do it more intentionally but I’m worried that the only way I can do this is to set weekly goals of how much I want to hang out with people and leave myself reminders, and I am kind of freaked out that that makes me really strange since it doesn’t come natural.

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