I’ve was “talking” to this girl and i thought she liked me back but there was something off about her she would be hot than cold, so I told her how I felt and asked if she felt the same. She rejected me, she told me that she didn’t see me anything more a friend and had no intentions to go anywhere. So, i was like alright whatever, but this girl knew from the start what i was about, the first thing I ever asked her was if she had a boyfriend, she said no and gave me her instagram. So her rejecting me had a bit a confused so I told her that. I said “Hey im not upset but if you knew my intentions from the start why would you imo lead me on, you knew i didnt just wanna be friends with you, you knew i wanted more.” and from there she blew up saying “this is why i cant have guy friends, blah blah blah.” and i responded “dont truma dump on me, its not my fault you dont know how to pick your friends.” I know i sound like an asshole but at the time i didnt care. This goes on for about 2 to 3 hours , and the entire time i was just waitng for her to block me or just leave me on seen but she never did. At some point she told me i sounded entitled and i told her “If i sound entitled, you sound ignorant because your not givng me answers to imo valid questions about how she knew i didn’t just wanna be friends, i told you i wasnt upset over this but your the one that cleary is. You’re losing this argument and it makes you look weak.” she responded with “I’m losing, how sad, have a good night :)” after that i called her toxic and thats when the conversation changed for the better. She told me that i must like it and i told her” i fr love arguing” and she said i was just as toxic as her. So i told her “Now just imagine how toxic we could be together” She loved that. Her next message was “Fine we can go out but you have to pick the place.” then for the rest of the night we just went back and forth making each other laugh, she was asking me what sign i was, which she guessed correctly by the way first try, I thought that was wild, and she told me it makes sense because our signs are the type to argue then go out after. She said she found it kinda cute how she didn’t scare me off. She told me straight up that don’t think this will go anywhere because she already has 3 “boyfriends”, they are just hookups that she sees, 2 are in cities near us and one lives around where we live. She also said she’s single single, whatever that means. She said she’s not in the right mental state to be dating right now any way. That bummed me out but i told her i was still willing to go out. I know this girl sounds like a nightmare and i should move 100 miles away but there’s this voice in the back of my head that’s saying keep going. It has now turned into a pride thing for me, show her what she’s missing out on, show her that she made a mistake, give this girl the most unforgettable date ever. In addition to that, this has me puzzled because obviously if you’re not interested in someone, why start an argument with them, why not just block them and move on. On top of that after all the arguing why ask them out. Girls are so complicated.

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