I have a very carefree and fun-loving personality. I like cracking jokes a lot and making fun, and it can translate to goofiness. It’s just how I tend to be naturally and I love laughing and also enjoy entertaining others. Thing is, I sometimes feel like people who may not be as receptive or more “serious” may assume I’m childish or never take me seriously/show me as much respect because of my nature. I’ve noticed that sometimes in conversations people will question something i say as if i’m dumb, or I might make a dumb joke and the reaction sometimes makes me feel that I should be more quiet or people are judging me. Or when there’s a serious discussion, I don’t know if people are valuing my opinion as much because of my nature. It makes me feel like I should “act” more serious, even though it feels like I’m just closing off. I deal with social anxiety regularly so I’m not sure if this is a symptom of that and I don’t want to give into it. Is this in my head or should I not be so loose all the time?

1 comment
  1. People like it when you can focus up for a little bit , acting that way all the time makes others think you re not taking them seriously

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