As the title says.

About 3 months ago, my ex fiancé of 4.5 years kind of blindsided me by announcing that he wasn’t in the right headspace for a relationship.

We were casually sleeping together for a few weeks and he was telling me how much he loved me and cared for me etc, until I found out that he had been romanticising about this girl for the past year and they were planning on spending the holidays together as they hadn’t actually met yet.

I confronted him about this and he was extremely cold to me and said he didn’t want to speak to me anymore – and so ensued the NC period.

About a week ago, he texted me, apologising for everything that had happened. It really took me by surprise and I was so upset because of course I still have feelings for him, but I managed to not respond, but since then I have been feeling this awful weight of sadness, I keep crying and I don’t know what to do? It sounds so silly but I’m scared this will be the only time he ever reaches out.

Not sure why he’s reached out or what to do about it tbh

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