What have your exes done that made you feel insecure?

  1. being insecure herself and the energy rubs off on me, devalue you or belittle me, constantly flirting with other people and claiming she’s not, comparing me to others,

  2. Constant sex jokes with her male friend she knew before me. To this day I don’t know if they did anything together even though she said they’ve never been together

  3. Got annoyed with me during sex instead of communicating with me and helping me (I was very inexperienced)

  4. Nothing. My life revolves around me not her. If she does something I don’t like, I’ll let her know. If it is a dealbreaker she’ll be packing her bags.

  5. Fucked the guy that used to neat and rape her, behind my back, then wonder why I got upset about it, considering “it was my fault”.

  6. Act like a jerk. it’s hard to feel good about yourself when the person who supposedly loves you starts insulting you during arguments. Especially when it’s just insulting for the purpose of putting you down so that they can “win” the argument.

  7. Shr had sex with either during or after our relationship – My Dad, Brother, 2 Cousins, and an Uncle. The only thing I was able to tell myself to not lose my shit was – Well at least I got to go first.

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