What kind of bad behaviour did you put up with because of your attraction to someone?

  1. My previous, well, person I was talking to, was FERVENTLY vegan and polyam. NO IDEA, why I even tried talking to her for as long as I did, but of course it ended when I wasn’t up for polyam and even though I would make her vegan meals beside my normal meals (included meat) she broke it off cause I wasn’t vegan.

  2. No physical contact except hugs. No sex, no nothing. Talk or text every day. She would buy me gifts and pay for food regardless if I declined it her daughter liked, cats and friends liked me. Even her mom before she passed away.

    Buy the women I wanted was just….broken

  3. First few years my wife and I were together she kept the seat down. I found it to be rude. We argued over it until we agreed just put it up or down and stop complaining its not worth the fight.

  4. Welp my ex was a 10 on the attractiveness scale. But she was single for a reason……. The woman is insane.

    Thats all i wanna say about that.

  5. ExGF, alcoholism and total addictive personality. So glad I got out of that one.

  6. Dated this girl in HS who guys were all over. I wasn’t a fan and she told me I need to trust her even though it was them I didn’t trust. She then proceeded to go through my phone multiple times throughout the relationship

  7. She asked me to remove a lodged turd from her ass with a spoon. I went to bed. And waited for her.

  8. Cheating, bad mouthing my family, and occasionally abuse. She cheated again and I just had it. Dumped her, sent her texts bad mouthing everyone in the church to everyone’s number that I had, moved then started a new job.

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