So I’ve been friends with this girl for a while now (completely platonic), she informed me that that I’ve been a topic of augment in her relationship as her partner doesn’t believe that I’m not trying to be more then just friends and that she needs to stop being friends with me. She said that she wasn’t going to stop being friends with me but things would have to change, we honestly don’t really interact all that much as is (a couple hours a week IRL and text conversations) so I don’t exactly know what her expectations of me are at this moment. It hurts since I’m being accused of something malicious by her partner (who used to be friends with but not close friends and then they stopped talking to me all together recently, most likely because they now have an issue with me) and they jumped the extreme of forbidding us form interacting with out ever even speaking to me to let me know they had an issue, as I would have (and still would but they refuse) be open to speak to them one on one to clear the air so there’s no miss judging the others actions. I really really want to stay friends with this person but as they are my friend I also don’t want to make their life harder if I’m causing issues for them. Any advice?

  1. Best to respect her wishes. Its sad, but thats the reality.

    Shes choosing her partner’s wishes and comfort over you and her friendship with you. It might feel crummy, but this is the way sometimes.

    It doesn’t make her a bad person. And it doesn’t validate the accusations either.

    Its a bummer for her that she is with someone who is this insecure.

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