Guys who dated an attractive girl who is extremely insecure. What do you want her to know?

  1. Eh.. not a man’s job to try to fix a girl’s insecurities, the same way women aren’t expected to cater to men’s insecurities. People need to figure their own shit out before getting into relationships

  2. If my girl starts knocking her own looks, weight, or whatever – I kindly remind her that I think she’s the most beautiful person I know, inside and out, and she’s exactly what I want.

  3. Seeking out and finding the approval/attention you crave still won’t fix your insecurities if you don’t work on yourself (ie: therapy)

  4. Small gestures work the best, in my experience. You don’t have to tell her she’s pretty every second of the day, but glance over at her, look her up and down, take her on a stroll downtown and have her on your arm, take pictures with her more often, make em your phone screen. It doesn’t really matter how much you tell her, but how kuch you show her off and hype her up to other people infront of her.

  5. That I’m only dating her bc she’s attractive so she better keep it up /s

  6. I told her what I wanted her to know. The result was that she drew on that and found a way to gain self confidence. The result was that she left me lol. Which is fair enough. She wanted to go and do things and she needed to do that on her own to find out who she was. So she went to Japan to teach English to school kids.

    Either she died there in the 2011 Tsunami, or she stopped wanting to talk to me. I hope its the latter. I hope she’s still living and enjoying her life in Japan or anywhere else she wanted to go.

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