RAK = Random Act of Kindness

  1. Kassandra.

    Edit: Oh, just read the body text.

    I gave a homeless woman $50 and bought her lunch 🤷‍♂️

  2. I was biking to a friends when a woman flagged me down.

    A strange car had spun the block on her a couple of times, and she was freaked out. I escorted her to the nearest public venue, where she could arrange a pick-up with her people.

  3. I don’t know. Most recent though was when I bought a lady her lunch. She was at the bar talking a friend through someone’s death, and age she had just gone through something similar herself, as had I. So I wanted to give her a little instant karma.

  4. I help the old women that live around me in my apartment complex take out there trash and help them with their groceries if I happen to be around.

    I usually run into one of them taking out their trash as I’m leaving for my morning jog.

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