I(21F) want to tell my boyfriend(24M) that I only want to see him on the weekends for now on

TDLR; boyfriend and I have been “hanging out” basically every day besides Wednesdays and Tuesdays, but every time im over he’s doing something else and we only have about 40 minutes actually together so I want to bring up to him that I want to go back to seeing each other on the weekends so we can actually spend time together

My boyfriend and I have been together for about two years now. For the first 3 ish months we only hung out on Wednesdays due to our schedules, then I changed jobs so we could see each other practically every day. Then I got another job and going to school so im working two jobs and college, which caused us to only see each other Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and maybe every other Tuesday.

For the last 6 months, he’s been really into health and making healthy dishes. However, these dishes often take an hour or more to make and I don’t know how to cook so I’ve offered to help so I can learn, but he just takes over and gets frustrated with me. I end up just sitting in his living room doing school work so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Then for the last 2ish months, he has been getting into working out and his dad has a home gym. Every day when he comes home from work he works out for an hour or two, but I can’t come down there due to his parents rule and plus he blasts music so loud it gives me a migraine even if im upstairs in the living room. So that’s three hours taken up and we really only have about 5 hours together after work on those days. But then, he takes a shower but he sits on the toilet for 45 minutes to an hour before actually jumping in the shower so that’s four hours. Making only an hour for us to truly hang out, but then he wants to play his game.

Every time during the week I go to his house to hang out, I end up just sitting alone or spending more time with his family than himself. It’s gotten to the point where I feel like im dating his family more than him.

I want to change it to only weekends because it’s really a waste in my opinion. Weekends he picks me up around noon and that’s when he often truly pays attention to me. Seeing him during the week just is a waste of my gas and time because I could literally be doing school work or anything at home. I really wanted to spend time with him during my school break before the semester starts up again, but I feel like these things I’ve listed are more important to me. Health is important yes but he begs me to come over every day so he can see me but then he just practically ignores me.

I think yesterday was the straw that broke the camels back because on the second of every month, he gets me flowers and he didn’t. He told me he forgot because he really wanted to put his roof racks on his car when he got home and was only thinking of that. He has only missed two months out of the two years where he didn’t get me flowers other than this and it was because we were out of state together so it didn’t matter much to me.

I don’t know how to approach him without sounding like manipulative or something. Should I just tell him every point I’ve made here?

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