Unfortunately I just don’t have the genetics to grow hair past bra strap length without significant split ends and thinning, no matter what products or nightly protection is used. When I was younger I wanted waist length princess hair and tried hard to get it and kept my hair long. In my late 20s, in the midst of lock-down, I finally cut my hair into a short bob I’d been considering for months. It took nearly 3 hours but I loved the results.

My family, friends, and coworkers said the hairstyle makes me look both youthful and mature, more confident, flatters my face shape, and makes my hair appear fuller (it’s quite thin) and I agree. I especially like that it makes me appear more confident in the workplace – there was a marked improvement in how new clients/consultants first perceived me.

My husband however hates the short hair. He finds me less attractive and dreads each trim. For over a year my answer was “while I hear you and I’m sorry you feel that way, I love it so much, it’s my body and it makes me so happy. You’ll get used to it after awhile” and then later, when he didn’t, “can’t you try to find something you like about it?”

I lost a bet last year and agreed to grow my hair to mid-back. It’s been that length for months now and I’m fully ready to cut again. He doesn’t (and didn’t pre-cut) run his hands through it, compliment it, or really show any appreciation for my long hair, but when I brought up cutting it, he was clearly unhappy.

Any advice on how he can adapt? It’s not so unattractive he can’t perform, and I’m not opposed to wigs anyway; this isn’t anything we’d split up over. Unfortunately there’s no way to compromise on length because shoulder length makes me look like the unholy offspring of a giraffe and a drowned rat.

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