First of all , sorry for my English bcs it’s not my first language 🙂

I love my boyfriend and we are working together . however I feel like he is not proud to have me as his girlfriend.

It took my boyfriend a long time to ask me to be his girlfriend, and I suspect it was partially because he was embarrassed by me. He told me that he embarrassed bcs he dates a woman that live in another country (I’m asian btw) and he was worried that his friend’s won’t accept me and will judge him.. however decided in the end that he doesn’t care and asked me to be his girlfriend.

My friends tell me it is nice of him and it shows that he really loves me, but it really makes me feel very rejected… as if I’m a reject and that he’s done a noble thing to date me.

TLDR I feel that he isn’t proud of me at all, but only tells people that we just working together on music project.. and still dont want to tell people we’re dating..after almost 2 years. I hate feeling like a burden to his reputation… I would prefer it if a guy was actually proud of me. Am I overthinking this and not giving him enough credit?

  1. >He told me that he embarrassed bcs he dates a woman that live in another country (I’m asian btw) and he was worried that his friend’s won’t accept me and will judge him..

    You live in a different country to him?

    Have you met in real life?

    Sounds like there is quite possibly a racist thing going on here…

  2. >He told me that he embarrassed bcs he dates a woman that live in another country

    I take it by that you mean you, not that he’s dating someone elsewhere too.

    Otherwise, 2 years in and he won’t tell people. Yes dump his ass and find someone that is proud to say you’re with them

  3. In your position, I’d wonder about what it said about my partner if their friends were all racists?

    Find someone who is *thrilled* that you’re his girlfriend, not embarassed. Find someone who’d dump any friends who made racist remarks about dating you.

  4. Hmm. Better be with someone who is proud to let people know that you are his partner. If he does not want to tell people you are dating after two years of being together…that is not right.

    I was thrilled to let people see and know that my ex was my partner. I was so incredibly proud that someone like her (I thought 5 leagues above me) was my partner that I wanted the whole world to know if I am honest. My family, my friends, EVERYONE I care about. And a lot more. I enjoyed walking around with her holding hands, being close, not being ashamed to show my love for her.

    Not saying that works for everyone but you deserve much more than being hidden.

    Take care!

  5. Have you even met?

    It could be racial, but he could also be embarrassed that his gf is a woman on the other side of the world who he’s never met. Or he might not be embarrassed at all, just hesitant to formalize such a relationship. You have a child with your ex and a co-parenting relationship, so it doesn’t look like you would be able to join him anytime soon.

  6. I think you have given this the appropriate amount of thought and have arrived at a final prospective. You appear to know what the truth of the situation is. Now comes the point where you decide if this is an acceptable way to be treated. I think you are fed up with this and feel disrespected. He is not likely to change though you could lay it out and give him one last chance to acknowledge you as his gf publicly and afford you the respect you deserve. If not it’s time to walk.

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