What moment while hanging out with your buddy made you think “he’s a shithead and I should cut him off”?

  1. Started of with jokes, like race oriented. First few times like ha ha. Then i noticed how frequent it was and paying attention to opinions he’d have on various topics.
    Thought he was just trying to be edgy at first but naw. I cant fuxk with a racist

  2. 2 reasons. He was rude and obnoxious to the people sitting in front of us at a sporting event. And I noticed he was rude to wait staff a few weeks later.

    *Rude* being one of the most foolish & unnecessary of all human behaviors. Especially to those who bring fresh delicious food directly to your face.

  3. Didn’t take they shoes off in my moms house. Tf kinda American disrespectful shit is that?

  4. When he asked me to lie to his wife for him to cover his bad habit that she despised.

  5. Pulled his gun on me as a joke.
    Granted, it wasn’t loaded because I made him put the mag in his car before we went off drinking, but that’s not exactly the first thing you think of when you hear a pistol cock just behind your ear.

  6. I used to be in a clan with some people and they asked me if I cared if the said the word. And I really don’t cus I think it’s just a word. But idk what’s wrong with them they just got so obsessed with saying it every second. Like the finally had my permission as a black kid. I C4ed our base and changed the codes cus they would also argue to much

  7. Had an associate call me up and say he wasn’t going to be around on the weekend because it was his birthday and he was having a party for all his friends.

    Then the next week he called me up to talk about awesome his party was. Shockingly, he’s spent his entire adult life single. Can’t figure out why.

  8. A guy I knew in college was a bit of a perv – *ahem* if she’s old enough to bleed, then she’s old enough to breed.

    That type. Kinda fell off the radar on his own. Wonder why?

  9. While drinking would start talking shit behind my back to a girl i would try to pick up at a bar just to make himself look better.

  10. A mate who spiked a girls drink with MDMA after she declined the pill.

    Stupid thing for him to do. Cut him off that night.

  11. Took him in while he got his life sorted after he was busted for dealing meth a decade ago. Got a call a month ago from his solicitor, he’s in jail and put my place down as his bail address. It’s for breaching an AVO this time. The person the AVO was for (his girlfriend) didn’t even want it, it was put on him on her behalf by the police. After they arrested him for a domestic argument. While he was binging on meth. The girlfriend is also on meth and they have 2 kids, 2 and 6 years old. Seriously just.. how do people go SO wrong in their lives? Those poor kids.

  12. Would always say he wants to check if the airbags really work on my Toyota. So he would drive the car recklessly and wanted to dash it against a tree or a fire hydrant. After two rides I kicked him out of the car and my life too.

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