I’ve never really been confident in my own skin and have always been a people pleaser.
I’ve actually been faking my orgasms since being sexually active so going on 12 years now
Saying this out loud is making me cry

I don’t know how it got this bad. I always worried people would give up and not want to continue sleeping with me or attempting to make me orgasm
I don’t do it because I want the sex to be over, I love having sex and feel like it’s never ever long enough and I truly would love to have an orgasm.

I’m always just too worried that my lack of orgasm will ruin my partners self esteem, despite him never acting this way. I kind of don’t even know why I do it anymore. It’s just been going on for so long i can’t stop it

When I first met my partner (26M) I told him I had been faking it for everyone, he said it was going to be his challenge to make it happen. After 7 months I got insecure and began to fake it, and now 5 years later… I’m stuck. It’s not like he’s doing a bad job or anything I think there’s just something wrong with me, I’ve spent so much time mastering how to fake it that I never relax and enjoy the sex, because I’m too busy trying to keep the lie alive.

I’ve ruined my sex life
I don’t know what to do
It’s been five years how the hell do I bring this up without ruining the relationship?
Please help me

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