My girlfriend attended a family wedding in another state. There, she claims she drank too much and was going to the after party. A man who was a close friend of the bride and groom asked if she would like to walk to the after party together. She accepted and walked with him alone.


While walking, he planted a kiss on her which she rebuffed and explained she had a boyfriend. She thought everything was cool and decided to continue with him. However, he did the same thing again except this time they made out for about a minute before she pushed him away and took an Uber back to the hotel.


She flew back home the next day and a few days later she told me about what happened and was transparent about everything. Since it’s a wedding, there was plenty of video and photos of the reception so I combed through all of them to verify her story.


I asked her why she thought it was a good idea to walk alone with a guy. She said she didn’t think much of it because he was a close family friend of the bride and groom. I then asked her why she continued to walk with this guy even after he had already kissed her. She said that she was naive about his intentions and her being drunk didn’t help. Although a lot of alcohol was involved, she says that her actions are inexcusable and she takes full responsibility for what she did. She should have known better and never made the terrible series of decisions that she did.


I used to think cheating was black and white. However, I’m having so much trouble processing this. On the one hand what she did was horrible but I feel like her confessing immediately and showing remorse should count for something. Frankly speaking, if she hadn’t told me I would have never known about this.


I am looking for advice on if I should give her a second chance. Does anyone have thoughts or suggestions?


Thank you

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