So basically, I feel kinda broken because nobody has taken any interest in me ever and I know that even if someone would it wouldn’t be for my looks, but I have been told repeatedly by many friends that I have a great personality and I don’t think I’m that repulsive if you got to know me. Everybody seems to have somebody, even people that don’t have really good looks or personality, but I cant even seem to make a boy friend (a friend that is a boy). I had one but I lost that for some stupid reason and damn it hurt, makes me wonder how it would feel to go through a breakup, but frankly I want to experience that… I am scared of not being able to anticipate my behavior when problems arise even though I believe that I will try to communicate as best as I can. BUT I DONT KNOW. What are my issues and how do I fix them if I don’t know and how do i get to know them if I don’t have somebody and what if when I finally meet someone they have already sorted their issues and I’m the messed up one…

Sorry for burdening you guys, but I can’t really talk to anybody about this, but all my friends have exes and relationships or even people that expressed their feelings for them and i pretend that I don’t care about that stuff, and it was true until about a year ago when I really started wondering

  1. I found it ordering 2 rounds of sandwiches from a waitress in a Hotel

    I was hungry so ordered 2 sets all for me to eat, she came over was confused looking for a table of 2 not 1, we joked.

    Same Hotel few weeks later , same waitress is serving vegetables for my meal and I ask for extra red cabbage, again we joke.

    3rd visit to hotel few weeks later ( my work had a client in the town) she was on bar duty this time and I ordered two beers for myself as a joke and she got it , and those beers gave me courage to strike up a fuller conversation , that led to me asking for her number , and even later asking her out .

    that was 1997, we are still together with 2 kids in university

    So I found love over my love of food ( and a little gluttony) I guess I would have to say 🙂

    As to your post , all I can say is go have fun, like yourself , everyone has issues, no one is perfect, don’t avoid interactions , love life and love ,and opportunities for love, will introduce themselves to you

  2. You could ask a friend to be blunt with you without fear of repercussions, that aside..

    Be yourself, if you have a great personality/sense of humor/singing voice..Let it Shine

    Love yourself.. If you don’t love yourself, no one else will (and guys can sense that stuff sometimes)

    Love happens when you least expect it.. the love of my life kicked a soccer ball and nailed me in the junk.. we dated for 3 years before I messed it up

    Good Luck!!!

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