I’m talking about men and women in their 30’s. I’m asking this because I have mostly female friends, and they come to me for advice a lot. I’ve also swiped a lot on apps and dated a lot and seen how many attractive women who are total catches (at least without knowing them very well) there are out there. I’ve seen my female friends swipe or look at their likes, and the quality of men is just abysmal, and any of the halfway decent looking men who seem to be at least somewhat catches on the surface until you look more have “ENM” or “casual” on their profiles or end up disappointing them in messages by being sexual right away or letting them know they only want something casual.

I thought about it and every man I know who is attractive and has his shit together is taken or has no interest in a relationship and has multiple FWBs. On the other hand, I constantly meet these attractive, amazing single women on the apps, in person, as friends, or through friends (whether I’m interested in them or not). Are there just way more “catches” on the female side, or is this just confirmation bias/anecdotal, and I’m way off?

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