Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this.

TLDR: How to ask a visitor to leave your home without seeming pushy and/or implying their presence is bothersome?

Full story: I am currently pet-sitting an African Grey Parrot. The owner comes around to visit his bird ~4 o’clock, stays until it’s dark (even before the daylight hours were so short.. like, 7-8 o’clock,) and cannot seem to take a hint/invite himself out. Even when I directly tell him “I hate to kick you out,” or “well… I’ve got to start dinner/[chore]/[errand]” he responds with things like “no I get it, you want me gone,” “even though it breaks my heart…” and even “you dont have to keep me company” (inviting himself to stay longer.) The last time he was here it was for about an hour and a half and he *still* said “I got cut short today, so I’ll be back next week” (he usually comes every other week.) On top of all of this, the owner of the home (who my mother & I are friends with and renting from, and this man is related to) is putting up a room of the house for rent, which poses a little bit of an awkward situation for whoever moves (in since this dude loudly hangs around the common areas for hours into the afternoon/night.) I also hate to say it, but he’s quite overweight and for some reason decides to sit in the middle of the sofas. How do I tell him that we need more solid boundaries with “visitation” and that it can’t be four goddamn hours long???

Edit for clarity: The reason we are pet sitting is because the owner’s current living situation cannot accomodate her cage. He is coming on the weekends every other week not every day which is for some reason what a lot of people are thinking (he will only skip one week between visits so long as his visits last ~4 hours.) He is not compensating us, but pays for the bird feed and whatnot which we are appreciative of. We have no issue with taking care of the bird and due to the fact that it seems he neglects her we’d be happy to take her as our own, but it’s clear he’s not trying to dump her on us and either we have to deal with him or stop taking care of the bird altogether.

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