I’m visiting my family for a little over a week after our honeymoon (my wife and I live abroad) and my sister is being weird as hell. We’ve been staying at my parent’s for 3 days and my sister has thrown these little childish jabs at my wife the whole time.

Example, yesterday. My sister and I were cooking. We were cutting vegetables and my wife asked if we needed help. My sister then said “no, we are FINE” in Spanish so my wife wouldn’t understand it (wife speaks English, everyone in the house can speak English but my sister said that particular thing in Spanish just for my wife to not understand it). I told my sister something like “can you chill?” (while laughing, I didn’t scold her) and told my wife how she could help us.

There have been other little comments like that but you get the gist of it. Neither my sister nor my parents had ever met my wife in person, so this is literally my wife’s first impression of my sister.

Last night, I explained to my wife what happened and she laughed and said she was also a jealous tween/teen once, when her sister was starting to date for the first time and my wife hated her boyfriend just for dating the sister.

How to tell my sister to chill in the best way? What would be the best way to approach that talk.

**tl;dr:** Sister is being jealous and throwing little verbal jabs at my wife. How to get her to chill?

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