First time poster. Ill try to make this quick. My neighbors have a long history of making “Karen” 911 calls. Yesterday my husband came home from work and apparently parked his work vehicle an inch or so over the property line on a shared driveway. The neighbors came over for a confrontation. During the confrontation the male neighbor pulled out a metal bat. I called for my husband immediately saying “he has a bat” My husband, who was back 20 feet stood there and did nothing. The neighbor began swinging it near me, but about two feet away from me in an effort to create fear. Again I called for my husband saying “call 911”. My husband said “no.” I went through the male neighbors ego and eventually talked the weapon out of his hands saying “you need a bat to beat up a woman?!” The neighbor threw down the bat and lunged at me. My husband did nothing. The male neighbor then went over to my property around my vehicle and began tapping it. I told him to get off my property and he refused I had to physically push the agitated man off my property. My husband did nothing.

I feel so confused but not really. It was confusing that it happened but now I feel disgusted towards my husband. How could he leave his wife alone with a man with a weapon? I wanted him to give a good excuse like ” it was fight or flight and I froze” but that not his explanation. My husband said he didn’t want to get involved. I am his wife. It was his parking job. He should have talked the weapon down. He should have called 911 if he was too scared to come help.

I am angry. I am hurt. I don’t know if I should divorce. I absolutely feel he doesn’t love me in any way. So, what should I do?

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