when you guys think of your ex how do you get over missing them?

  1. Relationships end for a reason and I had to learn to accept that there is no amount of begging or pleading in the world that will convince someone to not break up with you. If they have decided to end the relationship, they have likely had this feeling for a while. Acceptance and forgiveness are key to moving on.

  2. I take solace knowing I did everything right that I could. But I will also go ahead and let myself feel that absence for a minute or two.

  3. By calling my special friend
    (Or I clean the house, go outside, walk the dog and do whatever else I can do to get her off my mind).

  4. I remember when she slashed the tires to the hellcat (fresh off the lot) because she saw “some other bitch in my car” the “other bitch” was my 15 year old sister and I was taking her to a job interview.

    I don’t miss my ex. I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire.

    If that doesn’t work, I charm the ol one-eyed snake until the post-nut clarity clears my mind.

  5. In my case? Remembering her completely vile & shattered nature as a human being. Ultimately, I just feel sorry for her but relieved that she is long gone.

    Past Gfs that were loving & healthy? I want them to be happy above all else. This helps with letting go.

  6. She attempted to baby trap me with another man’s kid. I was excited to have a son thinking it was mine, nurse told me otherwise. Kinda hard to miss her. Sent a 24 pack to the man when he married her with a note that said I’m glad that I’m not him.

  7. My ex doesn’t exist now. I still mourn the person I was married to. But the person she became is someone I never knew.

  8. I remember all the toxic situations and gaslighting she did to me. I remember how stressed I was in the relationship. I remember how many arguments I got in. And most of all I remember them just not wanting to be with me anymore, and someone who doesn’t want to be with me doesn’t deserve me. These are the things I remind myself on.

  9. My ex was amazing! The most encouraging person I’ve ever met, beautiful, witty, girl could cook! Most women I dare can barley boil water.

    But I’m kind of in Limbo right now, just got outta school so I’m poor, not really sure where work will take me . So I said give me 9 months and keep the line open I may very well get back to you.

    Anyway, I excersize, play guitar, I box read, church stay social and might start volunteering soon too.
    But who know what God plan is right?

  10. Like falling and scraping your knee. Burns in the moment, but over time, you will forget you were ever hurt. Whether a scar remains depends on if you did anything about it when it hurt most.

  11. I look at her kids and see their achievements and smiles and i think – “now I would of just ruined all of this for them”.

    NPD in quite a ride.

  12. I look at her kids and see their achievements and smiles and i think – “now I would of just ruined all of this for them”.

    NPD is quite a ride.

  13. Time will be the remedy for any and all your pain/traumas. Good or bad breakups, it doesn’t matter… just give it time. Some take a few weeks, some need a whole year. I needed a year, but I could’ve saved myself from a shit load of problems if I would’ve respected myself a lot sooner than I did.

  14. Realize that person isn’t the great person you’re making them out to be. Accept you concocted a fantasy about how great they are.

  15. Reminding myself that she came out as a shoplifter and a neo nazi after a year of being together, refusing to take either seriously when i tried to talk to them about it. Immaturity was a huge problem, I miss being interested in the same hobbies and sharing a lot of the same interests, but dating somebody who thinks Hitler was a sweet and misunderstood guy is a bit of a deal breaker.

  16. log into facebook for the first time in 2 years to remind myself how ugly she’s gotten since we split lmao literally me this morning when this girl appeared in a dream for the first time in like.. longer than I care to remember.

  17. If she was a good one, you don’t. It’s always there because you are a man and you can’t your feelings out. If she was crazy, just lead the crosshairs a little more next time

  18. Generally I don’t. I try to sleep with as many people as possible, until I find someone that fills the void they left.

    Then that person leaves and makes a newer, slightly bigger void.

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