How would you feel if your SO kept previous relationship memorabilia?

  1. In this wasteful culture is think they were being smart!

    There’s nothing wrong with things from a previous relationship.

  2. It’s fine. My husband has a little memory box that contains all kinds of things from his past, including some things from past relationships. It’s not a big deal to me.

  3. Hopefully nothing sexual lol like photos ( either on the phone or printed ) or stuff they made them

  4. I personally wouldn’t care, but then I’m the kind of woman who doesn’t really mind their partner talking openly and in detail about their past or the people they’ve been with. I know some women never want to know and don’t like the topic at all.

  5. I think it depends on what it is. Photos, no. Jewelry or useful items, yes.

  6. As in his old wedding ring.

    I could walk across the room and find it right now.

    Do I care?

    Not a bit

  7. If it’s strictly memorabilia kept for sentimentality (like love letters) and not practicality (like a pocket knife) I’d be happy for him. It’s such a cool thing, especially in this day and age, to get actual physical love letters. Or like a box full of vacation photos and souvenirs. Those are parts of his life, those are his memories. Why should he have to get rid of them just because he’s with me now?

  8. I don’t care. His exes didn’t value him, he’s married to me. I know he has no regrets.

  9. I think that’s more normal and healthy than people who scrub every trace of their exes from their lives upon breaking up (not including people who were in abusive situations).

    It’s normal to grow apart. It’s normal to end relationships where nothing is wrong. It’s normal to miss them. It’s normal to remember them fondly. It’s normal to keep old letters or gifts and look back on them from time to time. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re still in love with them or you want them back. Even if the relationship ended poorly, you *did* have good times, and you’re allowed to still enjoy those memories even after dating someone new.

  10. He does. I found it by chance, I don’t like it, but I don’t think about it unless I’m reminded of it.

  11. Okay? I am in my 30ies, I have given and received plenty of gits, I am not even sure I remember each and every one, so… I don’t think it’s normal to expect somebody to dispose of everything they have received either.

  12. He just has photos (prom portraits, SFW digital pics, etc) really. They’re all from so long ago that it just seems cute.

  13. As long as it’s consensual stuff (like gifts or stuff their ex gave them the ok to keep) I have zero problem. I have an adorable stuffed cow from my ex-wife that is still deeply sentimental to me. A lot of people don’t question it because we divorced amicably and are still close friends, but I don’t see why that should be what makes it ok.

    We’re all the sums of our past experiences, including our past relationships.

  14. I don’t throw away my entire past life just because I’m in a new relationship. I don’t expect anyone else to do that either. Except for extremes like their clothing, nude photos or something like that.

    Think about it, (Example) I’ve spent 5 years with this person, perhaps we spent everyday together. At that point, I’m definitely keeping certain things that remind me of that point in my life. I wouldn’t like my partner to tell me to delete all photos and throw away jewelery, etc.

  15. Depends on the memorabilia. A gift like a watch or a jumper, sfw pictures and letters I wouldn’t have a problem with. Well, if he was still having her pictures and letters laying around, and not tucked away in a box, I guess I might feel a bit insecure and that he wasn’t over her.

    But if the memorabilia were nudes, sex tapes or pieces of her lingerie. I would have given the roadrunner a run his money over how fast I would have left that situation.

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