So you sometimes hear the phrase “he’s a man’s man” so what would come to mind if someone said “she’s a woman’s woman”?

  1. A woman who genuinely supports other women. No judgement, jealousy, or animosity.

  2. Someone who cheers other women on and lifts them up.

    One who understands the power we have as women and celebrates that.

  3. Personally like a girls girl, or a woman who has female-centric interests. I’m often called a womans woman and I have pretty much exclusively female friends, I’m naturally nurturing, feminine and love shopping, getting my nails done, going on wine trips, giving friends makeovers and stuff.

  4. A woman’s woman would leave a strand of hair or a makeup wipe in the bathroom of a dude she just hung out or slept with just in case he’s actually taken and playing both of them. I love when women do those small gestures that show they care.

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