Me (18M) and my gf (18F) have been together for a little over a month, and sex is a big part of our relationship. When we first started having sex she smelt a little but it was super faint, but as time went by it got worse and worse until I had to say something to her (I was very gentle about it, come to find out she cant even smell herself) but it caused her to be upset with me and not see me for weeks. I figured she wouldve fixed it while we were apart, but it just got worse. For an example my sister accidentally walked in on us and she could smell her, and told me later on. It’s to the point where I’m starting to not be as attracted to her. I know it’s shotty to say that, but I asked her to try and fix it before and it’s still an issue. But that’s why I’m on here, I need advice from someone (preferably from women) on how to handle this situation, because I’m at a loss.

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