What do American people think on who actually defeated Nazi Germany, America or the Soviets?

  1. Does it have to be an either/or? Seems like that would produce useless and oversimplified answers that devolve into uneducated chest-beating.

  2. “WWII was won with British intelligence, American steel and Russian blood”

  3. The US, UK, USSR all made huge contributions. The soviets wouldn’t have won on their own. Neither would anyone else.

  4. It isn’t a cut an either/or. They were different frontiers. The Africa campaign, and the two fronts in Europe were all instrumental in taking down Italy and Germany.

  5. Nobody is disputing the Soviets sacrificed more to help defeat the Nazis. But the contribution of both nations was important.

  6. It’s not an either or. We both had a role, as did the British and other allies. The Soviets had a disproportionately huge role though, that’s indisputable. They also took Berlin.

  7. The allied forces defeated Nazi Germany. In an *allied* war effort. Team work made the dream work. Americans, Canadians, British, Russians, French…

  8. U/farmsuch2051 why keep asking questions here if you’re not going to participate in any discussion?

  9. I mean, it was a WORLD war, so of course it wasn’t the doing of one country.

  10. Both, the US and British came in from the West and the Soviets from the East. Though technically the Soviets made it to Berlin first, so if the Russians want to take credit for sending the “finishing blow” to Nazi Germany then I wouldn’t argue against them. But for any country to take the sole credit of beating the Nazis and ending the war in Europe would be silly.

  11. Neither could’ve won without the other. Also the British were incredibly important, don’t downplay their contributions either op.

  12. Group effort. the USA involvement was delayed but it wasn’t our continent.

  13. Both with the British helping. British intelligence, American steel, and Soviet blood. You’ve probably heard the old quote, wherever it came from. Lend-Lease gave the allies the equipment to keep going. The British cracked the enigma code early on, I believe. I guess we can appreciate Russia/Soviets throwing waves of people at the Nazis with no regard for human life like Zapp Brannigan (boo-hiss to Russia’s current actions). Honorable mention to the British colonies, French Resistance, and not-yet-communist China. These days, I do wonder if we could have won if we had done what General Patton wanted and kept going against the USSR.

  14. At first the Germany and the soviet union had an alliance. Was really stupid of Hitler to attack the soviet union first, and it was merely because of his paranoia. That’s what costed him the war.

  15. we’re generally aware of the fact that the US, UK and USSR all were necessary for winning the war

  16. I don’t know anyone who thinks America single-handedly defeated the Axis powers. Even people who ignore Russia will lionize Churchill. I have heard many tankies who think the Soviets singlehandedly defeated the Nazis but offline they’re rare (except in Russia).

  17. The idea that the Soviets could have single-handedly slugged it out with Germany and won is nothing more than Soviet revisionism.

    There was one point that Germany was on track to destroy every single Russian tank ever made… and that was with lend-lease and the US pumping tons of steel into Russia so they could keep making tanks.

    Not to mention that if the US had not gotten involved in the war, the Soviet Union would have also had to deal with Japan… something they would not have been able to do.

    There’s a reason why the anti-Axis forces are called “***THE ALLIES***” and not: “***THE LONERS***”.

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