Preferably Something more interesting than “where did you meet the bride and groom?”

My idea was “if the bride and groom were a full English breakfast, what parts would they be”, but that was vetoed.

  1. Honestly, sounds like hell…

    But I’d go with something friendly like ‘what is your best memory of *insert name*

    And maybe warn people that you’re going to ask them, so they have time to think of an answer. Or hide from you.

  2. What is the best thing to you about so and so ?

    Or what do you remember the (person you know) saying about the other when they first told you they had met?

    If they could do anything for their first anniversary what do you think so and so would pick.

    It’s difficult to think of serious only questions and I do think your full English would have been a nice idea to break the ice and get them comfy in front of the camera. Though I can see some dirty jokes coming from it but I still think it sounds like a fun idea.

  3. “What’s a funny story involving either the bride or groom?” “What’s your favorite thing about the married couple?” “Why in your opinion are the couple good for each other?” “What would you like to wish the happy couple?” “What three words would you use to describe the couple?”

  4. Depending on which side they’re on ask them what the most embarrassing story they have of either the bride or groom.

    You’ll end up with great childhood memories from their older relatives and funny ones from their friends.

  5. I like the ones where its like ‘if you had to offer one piece of advise to the bride/groom what would it be?’. It doesn’t focus on the bride and groom too much but people’s individuality shine through with this question

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