(21M) –

Three years ago at 18, I began having sexual intercourse with girls. Immediately after I lost my virginity I started to become somewhat of a player…nothing crazy but I started hooking up with way more girls than ever in my life. Yk the deal, I discovered this new world of sex and couldn’t get enough of it. After flinging around with a few ppl I ended up landing on this one girl I liked. We consistently began to have intercourse and our relations lasted throughout the summer leading into freshman year of college.

After about a month in to this relationship I began to notice that it was increasingly getting more difficult to become erect. Another month goes by and it comes to the point that I couldn’t get erect AT ALL. I would be so turned on with this girl but my d*ck wasn’t on the same page… Ultimately it kind of ended up ruining the relationship. The girl didn’t seem to care as much about the ED problem but it was very embarrassing for me and I suffered a major blow to my confidence. We stopped talking as often and then it ended.

For the next 6 months I remained abstinent until I found another girl. She was from one of my classes and approached me asking to hang out. I was so down- she was the most attractive girl that had ever shown an interest in me. She was completely my type, checked every box. We hung out a couple of times and everything was going great. Then about 2 weeks in she asked if we could f*ck. I was so down, and was certain that I would be able to get erect. I was wrong. Couldn’t even get the condom on. It became a bit of an awkward situation, I was struggling to get hard and she was just sitting there watching me. 15 minutes goes by and she says “it’s okay… we don’t have to f*ck if your not into it”. I was so into it though, but once again my d*ck let me down. After that awkward situation we faded and she ultimately ended up ghosting me.

Fast forward to present day. I’ve dabbled between a few hookups every blue moon but every time it’s the same deal. Can’t get erect, but if I’m lucky I’ll be able to have sex with a half flaccid/erect penis. Just last night I suffered from the same issue. This time I was able to get erect in the beginning because this girl performed oral sex on me. And then once I was slightly erect I immediately got the condom and put it on. Unfortunately during the transition of putting my condom on I became half flaccid and the sex became a struggle. My d*ck was flopping around too much and wasn’t sufficient enough. I did get the job done though, but it was so half assed. The girl wasn’t really impressed.

I feel like I must be doing something wrong… There’s no way I got ED at 21 years old. When masturbrating I get completely erect no problem.

Any tips on how to maintain a consistent erection throughout intercourse? Thanks.

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