I have to let go of the woman that I was building a relationship with, so I can move on for my own well being. Although, we decided to stay in contact because the reason we’ve stopped dating is not out of any dislike for each other, but because of individual life events that have effected our jobs, mental health, and in her case, physical health. I couldn’t prioritize her, and vice versa. Currently, she needs to prioritize her health and mentality, and is not comfortable being intimate. So I am trying to prioritize myself.

How do I let go of her and prioritize myself, without going no contact? We’ve explicitly talked about how much we value our connection, the foundation we’ve built over nearly two years knowing each other, how we still have feelings for each other, and want to talk and see each other whenever comfortable. But need remove the pressure of working towards a relationship.

I’m trying to accept that life may have ruined our chance to be together, let go and move on, but also be receptive in case life levels out and we reconnect.

How to let go of someone without going no contact?

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