Hey all,

Just got back from a NYE party with some new friends and it was a real eye-opener. I’m not the regular at social gatherings, and this one threw me for a loop. Introducing myself to a bunch of people I didn’t know felt like a herculean task right from the get-go.

I eventually found someone to talk to, but with my voice not exactly built for crowds, I had to put in extra effort to listen and chip in. A few times, I ended up repeating what was just said, which only added to my nervousness.

As the night went on, I tried to stick to one-on-one chats, mostly asking questions because I felt completely out of depth talking about myself. Even the standard ‘what do you do for work?’ question felt like a stumper. Though I’m not too bad in work settings (mostly remote), in-person socializing is a different beast.

But here’s the thing that really got me: everyone else seemed so quick, witty, and effortlessly cool. They always had something fun or funny to say, or some catchy one-liner that kept the good vibes flowing. I felt like I was watching a live sitcom with no idea how to jump into the script.

So here’s where I’m at: I want to be more like that by the next NYE party. But what’s going on here? What do I need to work on most to fit into that ‘sitcom’ vibe and feel like a natural part of the group? How do you become the person who effortlessly chimes in with something witty or fun? Any advice, insights, or personal stories on achieving this kind of social transformation would be super helpful.

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