Disclaimer: Young male. no offense or judgement to people who don’t think as I do.
I don’t know what to do. I’m on the younger side. The problem is not the inability to attract girls, it’s just that I have a different view on a lot of what’s considered “normal” today. I want a serious, monogamous relationship with somebody who hasn’t thrown themselves around in hookup culture. Even on dating apps which I’ve had success with, girls always have “short term relationship” or “short term-open to long” and to me that already tells me so much about the person and their values. I don’t know. I see no point in dating for fun and not a future or messing around at clubs and such with people I have no connection with. I just want to find somebody who is not on some bs and has more traditional views on relationships. To me hook up culture and people having these ridiculously high body counts is just gross and I want nothing to do with it. I fear I’m not going to be able to find an attractive girl who hasn’t thrown herself around and shares my same beliefs and morality. This is kind of a rant cause I’m feeling hopeless in the modern dating scene but i don’t know. Does anyone feel this way too or just have any tips for being able to navigate this? Appreciate any thoughts/insight.

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