i (18f) currently have 2 friends(18f & 19f) and a boyfriend(18m), i used to see my friends daily but they have full time jobs now so are free on weekends where as i work weekends and have school weekday mornings. whenever i do have a chance to see them they wanna go clubbing with a larger group or they want to do something that costs more money than i am able to budget for. i don’t enjoy clubbing as it often leads to a meltdown which then causes me to drink way to much. i’m also trying to stop all substances as i’ve found that i don’t know my own limits as i find it’s difficult to do things in moderation. normally im okay with just seeing my boyfriend and family however this holiday period i couldn’t see either and it’s made me realise how isolated i am. this new year my boyfriend had to work and my family had other plans, i’ve spent the whole day miserable as i really didn’t want to go into 2024 alone. i’ve made a few friends through work however i work at a bar so they also enjoy drinking frequently which i am not comfortable with right now. i don’t go out much, i don’t speak to anyone at school as i am resitting the year so there is an age difference, i don’t have many hobbies, i don’t read and i don’t exercise.
i feel like im not giving myself the best opportunities to make friends but i really don’t want to be so alone anymore so any advice is appreciated :))

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