Hey all,

I (32f) don’t wanna give away too much info, but here’s the thing:

one time he (28m) was supposed to get back home (and not necessarily text me) on 27th late at night, but I didn’t hear from him, which is ok. On 28th, I texted him “I hope you got home well”. He didn’t respond. On 29th, I texted “Are you ok?” to which he didn’t respond. By that time I googled traffic accidents in his area. Cause I fucking care. He got back to me on 31st, saying sorry, he was super busy. To my understanding, if you give at least a single fuck towards someone, you will manage to find 10 secs to send a message saying you are super busy.

On 4th, we had a call, we were supposed to listen to a song together, and he said “give me a second, I’ll be right back”, and he was gone for over an hour, during which I fell asleep of which I informed him.

Now he wants no problems and no trouble. If I cause any he will block me and that will be it. I know how most of you will react – just forget about him, blah blah. But that’s not what I’m looking for.

I wanna know how can I tell him that I dislike his behavior without making it seem like I’m causing a trouble?

How do I say it in a manner that’s not… trouble causing, but very diplomatic. Seriously, I’m not good at this. And I can take care of myself, I promise.

TL;DR! – How do I respond to behavior I dislike when they say I cause “trouble” and they will block me, which I don’t want.

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