I’m a male in my early twenties and I’ve recently started seeing a girl my age. We’re only each other’s second sex partners and we have both just gotten out of long-term relationships. The sex has been great. Her face is gorgeous, and so is the rest of her body. She’s energetic. She gets really wet. I have no idea what lotion she uses, but her whole skin feels so smooth and smells so good. The sound of her moaning is so sexy and turns me on so much, and so do the things she whispers in my ear. She has the cutest dimples, and she can’t help but smile and reveal them when she orgasms. That also turns me on so much.

However, there’s been a bit of a problem. I haven’t been able to cum, which sucks because she starts thinking there’s something she’s doing wrong, when it really isn’t the case. I find this girl so attractive that I feared I would cum too soon in our first time, and yet it turns out the opposite has been happening. I don’t know what’s going on with me. I’ve been trying to think of things that could be the cause, but I just can’t figure it out. I’ve thought a bit about it possibly having to do with porn consumption, but I’ve rarely been feeling like watching porn for a couple months now. I think it could just be related to a mix of me getting tired (I could probably use some exercise to get my stamina up) and nervousness. I feel like I get pretty nervous with this girl, because of how amazing I find her and due to a fear of disappointing her in bed. So I think the root of the issue is a mental thing.

Does anyone have any tips for me? To help me to relax? Or maybe to help me cum easier?

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