My husband and I have been married for about 2 months now and have started running into problems. Our relationship has been long distance for a few years and seeing each other like every other month. We haven’t loved with eachothrr until we were married so everything for us is brand new.

Part of us getting married meant I had to give up a lot for him in a sense to be with him because of his job. I had to leave my job, family and friends to move hours and states away and feel like I have made all the changes for him. Prior to us getting married we had to cancel our big wedding due to me having emergency back surgery and not being fully recovered in time. I wanted to post pone everything until next year so we could have the big wedding like I wanted. However he got mad at that and said he didn’t want to wait anymore and we can still get married just go to the justice of the peace which we did.

After getting married and moving it has been really hard for me because I am still recovering from surgery and have been in a scenes confined to the house all day because I can’t drive yet while he is at work all day and I am having to get use to being completely without any friends or family while also adjusting to living with a man because it has never happened to be before and learning new habits.

Part of our issues seem to be that adjusting to everything for me has been hard and certain things that I haven’t been use to yet bother me. Like I don’t like people watching me change it just makes me feel weird and I don’t like it and my husband made the comment to me tonight I need to get over it he is my husband and has every right to watch me he told me I better stop locking him out of rooms when getting dressed because he is getting tired of it.

At first I have been trying to let things go when it comes to telling me what I need to and not need to do and take it as advice. But tonight when he made that comment to me it rubbed me the wrong way and I am starting ti get really annoyed with him telling me things I can’t or can do like it’s a controlling thing.

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