i don’t know what to do, how to rekindle the fire. we’re in our twenties. aren’t we supposed to be fucking like rabbits? before that’s how it was and it was great. very passionate, spontaneous, fulfilling, everything.

ever since he got this job of his, he’s had a chaotic schedule that fucked up his sleep and energy. he was working so much that he was just tired most of the time. he’d relax by being alone and gaming, voice chatting w/friends on xbox. i began to feel a bit neglected.

when we started to spend more time together, sex wasn’t a thing. it still isn’t. i sent him a message the other day and he thought i was coming onto him but i wasn’t, so i was rejected of sex and i wasn’t even trying. awesome. i just wanted him to come to the room and hang with me.

does he still masturbate? oh yeah. and it pisses me off. i’m not there to fuck him so he resorts to that which is like totally okay with me, i’m not anti-porn or masturbation, i’m just like uhhh when are you going to have sex with me… is that an option? will you ever look at me and want to fuck me again? to be continued.

it’s so frustrating. i don’t even like masturbating anymore. I WANNA FUCKIN MAKE LOVE WITH MY BOYFRIEND GODDAMNIT. and i would never and have never forced him into anything. i want it to come from him.

not sure how to go about getting back on the horse. the horse is my boyfriend. hello.

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